BVTV Global Mon, 27 Jun 2022 13:04:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2025 BVTV Media Ltd Improve performance, productivity & capability Malcolm Gallagher BVTV Global brings you an inspiring collection of business channels and shows to help you improve performance, productivity and capability Malcolm Gallagher No Ignite Your Career author, Kris Holmes returns to BV-TV with timely advice Mon, 19 Jul 2021 14:30:12 +0000

Kris Holmes author of Ignite Your Career returns to BV-TVBV-TV BizWise Channel host Malcolm Gallagher says; A study of 2000 employees of larger companies released in the UK this week by insurance giant Aviva found that 47% of employees were less career-focused because of the pandemic. Around 2 in 5  said they could never switch off from work and 40% are concerned about work-related burnout.

Worrying figures for companies and so I thought let's pay a visit to a recent guest to discuss it all. From leading executive search  firm O'Connell Group and author of Ignite Your Career let's say welcome back to Kris Holmes

To view the interview CLICK HERE or the YouTube link below

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]]> 0 BV-TV BizWise Channel host Malcolm Gallagher says; A study of 2000 employees of larger companies released in the UK this week by insurance giant Aviva found that 47% of employees were less career-focused because of the pandemic. Around 2 in 5 said they could never switch off from work and 40% are concerned about work-related [...] No No 00:23:34 Malcolm Gallagher