BVTV Global Mon, 27 Jun 2022 14:23:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2025 BVTV Media Ltd Improve performance, productivity & capability Malcolm Gallagher BVTV Global brings you an inspiring collection of business channels and shows to help you improve performance, productivity and capability Malcolm Gallagher No DDV011: Getting to grips with Marketing Automation Fri, 17 Jul 2020 11:32:28 +0000

Marketing Automation with Larry KotchBV-TV shows host Malcolm Gallagher says:

Read or watch any strategic marketing piece and the conversation is mostly about the value of efficient Marketing Automation. But those pieces are usually addressed at marketing professionals and to many marketing automation simply sounds like the robots taking over! The truth is far from that, It's all about your marketing being more effective, more efficient and more economic. So I wanted to help you see what it is and how it works and to do that I couldn't think of  a better person to interview than the CEO of The Brains Marketing, Larry Kotch.

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]]> 0 BV-TV shows host Malcolm Gallagher says: Read or watch any strategic marketing piece and the conversation is mostly about the value of efficient Marketing Automation. But those pieces are usually addressed at marketing professionals and to many marketing automation simply sounds like the robots taking over! The truth is far from that, It's all about [...] No No 00:13:18 Malcolm Gallagher marketing automation